Dawn Prayers
Welcome to Dawn Prayers, a podcast dedicated to the transformative power of prayer, where words of hope, healing, and connection are shared with everyone — regardless of where you are on your faith journey. Whether you’re seeking comfort, guidance, or simply a moment of peace, this space is for anyone in need of prayer. No matter your background, belief, or circumstances, we believe the power of prayer is universal, and here, it’s all about offering support, love, and light when you need it most. We invite you to follow this podcast and make it a practice, to share how prayer changes your life, and to independently investigate our website for new Baha’is, yourbahaijourney.com.
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
It is not for him to prideth himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.
Purge thou thy hear that we may cause fountains of wisdom and utterance to gush out therefrom, thus enabling thee to raise thy voice among all mankind.
O befriended stranger! The candle of thine heart is lighted by the hand of My power. Quench it not with the contrary winds of self and passion. The healer of all thine ills is remembrance of Me.
I testify that through Thee, the sovereignty of God and His dominion and the majesty of God and His grandeur were revealed.
Glory be to Thee O my God. But for the tribulations which are sustained in Thy path, how could the true lovers be recognized?
The Midnight Prayer: O Lord, I have turned my face unto Thy kingdom of oneness and am immersed in the sea of Thy mercy.
The faith of the Blessed Beauty os summoning mankind to safety and love, to amity and peace.
O Lord, Thou art the remover of every anguish and the dispeller of every affliction.
In Thee I have placed my whole confidence, unto Thee I have turned my faith.
Ask ye that all be blessed, all be forgiven.
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
When the ocean of My presence has ebbed and the book of My revelation is ended, turn your faces toward Him whom God hath purposed.
Know ye that the embodiment of liberty and its symbol is the animal. That which beseemeth man is submission of such restraints as will protect him from his own ignorance and guard him against the harm of the mischief maker.
O Thou… whose presence is my dearest wish and highest aspiration. I entreat Thee not to withhold from me the things Thou didst ordain for the chosen ones among Thy servants.
Many a chilled heart, O my God, hath been set ablaze with the fire of Thy cause.
Send down, then, upon me, out of the clouds of Thy generosity, what will pure me from the remembrance of anyone except Thee.
And now I implore Thee, by the eternity of Thyself, to enable me to be patient in these tribulations which have caused the Concourse on High to wail, and the denizens of the everlasting paradise to weep.
What tongue can voice my thanks to Thee? I was heedless, Thou didst awaken me.
She is sick, O my God, and hath entered beneath the tree of Thy healing. Attire her, O my God, with the raiment of Thy balm and Thy healing, and make her quaff from the cup of Thy mercy and Thy favors.
I have wakened this morning with my face set toward the splendor of the Daystar of Thy Revelation, through which the heavens of Thy power and Thy majesty have been illuminated.
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Lowly and tearful, I raise my suppliant hands to Thee.
When the ocean of My presence has ebbed and the book of My revelation has ended, turn your faces toward Him who hath branched from the ancient root.
Know ye that the embodiment of liberty, and it's symbol, is the animal. That which beseemeth man is submission unto such restraints as will protect him from his own ignorance, and guard him against the harm of the mischief maker.
Supply me, then, with the good of this world, and of the next.
Many a chilled heart, O my God, hath been set ablaze with the fire of Thy cause.
And now I implore Thee, by the eternity of Thy self, to enable me to be patient in these tribulations which have caused the concourse on high to wail.
What tongue can voice my thanks to Thee? I was heedless, Thou didst awaken me.
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
O my brother! Take thou the step of the spirit, so that swift as the twinkling of an eye, though mayest flash through the wilds of remoteness and bereavement.
The favors of God are unending, limitless, infinite bounties that have encompassed the world. We must emulate the bounties of God.
First and foremost among these favors which the Almighty hath conferred upon man, is the gift of understanding.
Illumine my inner being, O my Lord, with the splendors of the Dayspring of Thy Revelation, even as Thou didst illumine my outer being with the morning light of Thy favor.
Cause me to rest under the shadow of the wings of Thy grace, for the flame of my separation from Thee hath melted my heart within me.
O Son of Earth! My will, and the will of another besides me, even as fire and water cannot dwelleth together in one heart.
The pleasure and peace of an individual have neverconsisted in his personal wealth but rather in his excellent character, his high resolve, the breadth of his learning, and his ability to solve difficult problems.
Meditating on these sublime attributes, man is able to gaze beyond the swing of time…to the eternal qualities that stabilize the soul.
Confirm this revered nation to upraise the standards of the oneness of humanity.
O Thou whose love is the cause of my being…I entreat Thee to supply me, then, with the good of this world and of the next.
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
If thou dost open the heart of a person for His sake, better will it be for thee than every virtuous deed; since deeds are secondary to faith in Him.
Thou before Whose wealth the rich testifieth to his poverty, before Whose light the enlightened is lost in darkness, toward the shrine of Whose knowledge, toward the shrine of whose knowledge turneth the essence of of all understanding, and around the sanctuary of whose presence, circle the souls of all mankind.
Thou hast given up the drop of life and drawn nigh into the ocean of the well beloved.
Help Thou Thy loved ones to remain steadfast in Thy covenant.
I am Thy servant and the son of Thy servant. I have set my face towards Thy cause, believing in Thy oneness, acknowledging Thy unity.
I have risen from my couch at this dawntide when the Daystar of Thy oneness hath shone forth from the Dayspring of Thy will, and hath shed its radiance upon the whole world.
O Son of Being, rejoice in the gladness of thine heart that thou maysest be worthy to meet Me and to mirror forth My beauty.
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
When the tongue of the teacher is engaged in teaching, he will naturally himself be stimulated, will become a magnet attracting the divine aid.
Bestow upon us new blessings. Give to us the freshness of the spring.
That which is with His creatures is circumscribed by their own limitations, whereas that which is with God is sanctified therefrom. This utterance must be deeply pondered. O my friend, listen with heart and soul to the songs of the spirit.
Wherefore have ye oppressed them and held them in bondage in Baghdad and elsewhere?
Praise be unto Thee that Thou hast shown us the highway of guidance… Thou hast shown the way to those who have gone astray…O God, guide us to the straight path.
Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can alone cause it to reveal its treasures… All men should be regarded as one soul.
Liberty causeth man to overstep the bounds of impropriety, and to infringe on the dignity of his station. The liberty that profiteth you is to be found nowhere exceptin complete servitude unto God the eternal truth.
What tongue can voice my thanks to Thee? I was heedless, Thou didst awaken me.
O God, refresh and gladden my spirit. Purity my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hands.
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
It is incumbent on all men, each according to his ability, to refute the arguments of those who have attacked the faith of God.
And now, if you act in accordance with the teachings of Baha’u’llah, you may now rest assured that you will be aided and confirmed in all affairs which you undertake.
Strive that your deeds may be cleansed from the dust of self and hypocrisy and find favor at the court of glory.
Know thou, of a certainty that love is the secret of God’s holy dispensation.
The winds of tests are near powerless to hold back them that enjoy near access to Thee.
Heal Thou the sicknesses that have assailed the souls on every side and have deterred them rom directing their gaze towards the paradise that lieth in the shelter of Thy shadowing name, which Thou didst ordain to be the king of all names.
He hath abandoned this mortal life and hath flown to the kingdom of immortality, yearning for the favor of meeting Thee.
O Lord, make firm our steps in Thy faith. Guard us within the stronghold of Thy protection. Nourish us from Thy heavenly table.
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Verily I say, this is the day in which mankind can see the face and hear the voice of the promised one.
O friend, the heart is the dwelling place of eternal mysteries. Make it not the home of fleeting fancies. Waste not the treasure of thy precious life occupied with this swiftly passing world.
I know not, O my God, what the fire is with which Thou didst light the lamp of Thy cause.
Protect us, bless us, support us. Make us such as we shall follow only the pathway of truth that we may become rich enough to dispense with all save Thee.
Praised be Thou, O my God…
O Son of Spirit, my first counsel is this: posess a pure kindly and radiant heart.
He is the All-glorious.
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Tear asunder in my name the veils that have previously blinded your vision.
O Thou forgiving Lord, these servants were noble souls, and these radiant hearts were made illumined and resplendent through the light of Thy guidance... By the melodies of their knowledge they bound their hearts to Thee, broke free from the snares of estrangement and laid hold of Thy unity.
Now there are many wisdoms to ponder in the dream, which none but the people of this valley can comprehend in their reality. (Wonderment)
O my God, there is no one but Thee to allay the anguish of my soul, and Thou art my highest aspiration, O. My God… I beg Thee to forgive me from shutting myself out from Thee.
Magnified be Thy name, O God, the Lord of heaven… Ordain also for them, what will make them rich enough to dispense with all else except Thee.
The reason why the subject of aid and assistance hath time and again streamed, and will continue to stream from the pen of providence is to warn the friends of God lest they engage in activities that would give rise to strife and turmoil.
Let your joy be the joy borne of My Most Great Name…
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Praise be unto Thee, O God, my God, that we have awakened to the splendors of Thy knowledge.
I implore Thee by the onrushing winds of Thy grace…to send down upon me and upon me, and. Upon all who have sought Thy face, that which beseemeth Thy generosity and bountiful grace.
On this plane the traveler witnesseth the beauty in all things.
Blessed is the spot wherein the anthem of His praise is raised.
The essence of charity is to…render thanks to Him at all times, under all conditions.
No one on earth, O my Lord, can withstand thy power.
Moderation will be obtained by blending utterance with the tokens of divine wisdom which are recorded in the sacred books and tablets.
I am creating in you the one I designed you to be.
Turn thy face unto My face and renounce all save Me, for My sovereignty endureth and My dominions perisheth not.
Prayer is Conversation with God
Muhammad said that prayer is "a ladder by which everyone may ascend to heaven."
God said, through Baha'u'llah, "I was a hidden treasure; I loved to be known. Hence I created the world so that I would be known."
The knowledge of God is the cause of spiritual progress and attraction, and through it the perception of truth, the exaltation of humanity, divine civilization, rightness of morals and illumination are obtained.