Dawn Prayers
Welcome to Dawn Prayers, a podcast dedicated to the society-building power of prayer, where words of hope, healing, and connection are shared — regardless of where you are on your life journey. Whether you’re seeking comfort, guidance, or simply a moment of peace, this space welcomes you. We believe the power of prayer is universal, and here, it offers support, love, and light when you need. We invite you to follow this podcast and make prayer requests in the comment section.
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
O god, my god, lowly and tearful...
O thou who endowed every just power and equitable dominion with abiding power...
Consider not your present merits and capacities, rather fix your gaze on the favors and confirmation of the blessed beauty...
Cast Thy glance of favor upon us. Give light to our eyes, hearing to our ears...
Thou knowest that the people are encircles with pain and calamities...
I entreat Thee by Thy name through which the hour hath struck...
Cause me to speak forth Thy praise...
I have no refuge save Thee. I raise no voice at dawn save in Thy commemoration and praise...
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
O people of baha blessed are the people of baha god beareth me witness they are the solace of the eye of creation.
Although these beings coexist in a contingent world, in each case the difference in their stations precludeth the grasp of the whole.
In His name, the Exalted, the All Highest, the Most Sublime. Glorified art Thou O Lord my God.
O son of spirit my claim on thee is great. It cannot be forgotten. My grace to thee is plentious, it cannot be veiled.
O my God, Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of affliction. Verily I beseech thee to forgive…
I give thanks to Thee O my God, that thou has suffered me to remember Thee.
Give ear, O peoples of the earth, unto that which the pen of the Lord of All Nations commandeth you.
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Blessed is the spot, and the house, and the place, and the city, and the heart...
I have wakened in Thy shelter, O my God, and it becometh him that seeketh that shelter to abide within the Sanctuary of Thy protection and the Stronghold of Thy defense...
Say: Rejoice not in the things ye possess; tonight they are yours, tomorrow others will possess them. Thus warneth you He Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed...
O My Brother! A pure heart is as a mirror; cleanse it with the burnish of love and severance from all save God, that the true sun may shine within it and the eternal morning dawn...
Lauded be Thy name, O Lord my God! I entreat Thee by Thy Name through which the Hour hath struck...
O God, my God! These are Thy feeble servants; they are Thy loyal bondsmen and Thy handmaidens, who have bowed themselves down before Thine exalted Utterance and humbled themselves at Thy Threshold of light...
Thou seest me, O my Lord, with my face turned towards the heaven of Thy bounty and the ocean of Thy favor, withdrawn from all else beside Thee...
I give praise to Thee, O my God, that Thou hast awakened me out of my sleep, and brought me forth after my disappearance...
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
“These daily obligatory prayers, together with a few other specific ones, such as the Healing Prayer, the Tablet of Ahmad, have been invested by Bahá’u’lláh with a special potency and significance, and should therefore be accepted as such and be recited by the believers with unquestioning faith and confidence, that through them they may enter into a much closer communion with God, and identify themselves more fully with His laws and precepts.“ —From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi
He is the King, the All-Knowing, the Wise! Lo, the Nightingale of Paradise singeth upon the twigs of the Tree of Eternity, with holy and sweet melodies, proclaiming to the sincere ones the glad tidings of the nearness of God, calling the believers in the Divine Unity to the court of the Presence of the Generous One, informing the severed ones of the message which hath been revealed by God, the King, the Glorious, the Peerless, guiding the lovers to the seat of sanctity and to this resplendent Beauty...
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
O ye sons and daughters of the Kingdom! Thankful, the birds of the spirit seek only to fly in the high heavens and to sing out their songs with wondrous art. But the pitiable earthworms love only to tunnel into the ground, and what a mighty struggle they make to get themselves down into its depths! Even so are the sons of earth.
Glory be to Thee, O King of eternity, and the Maker of nations, and the Fashioner of every moldering bone! I pray Thee, by Thy Name through which Thou didst call all mankind unto the horizon of Thy majesty and glory, and didst guide Thy servants to the court of Thy grace and favors, to number me with such as have rid themselves from everything except Thyself...
O Lord of loving-kindness! We stray about Thy dwelling, longing to behold Thy beauty, and loving all Thy ways. We are hapless, lowly, and of small account.
The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally realized. The rulers and kings of the earth must needs attend it, and, participating in its deliberations, must consider such ways and means as will lay the foundations of the world's Great Peace amongst men.
God has crowned you with honor and set in your heart a radiant star.
Thou knowest, O my God, that all Thy servants have turned back from Thee and risen up against Thee. Thou knowest that Thou hast no one to obey Thee except them and such have believed Thy revelation.
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Praise be to Thee, O Thou our Lord the Most Merciful! This is one of the days of the festival Thou hast named Riḍván, a festival wherein Thou hast manifested Thy sovereignty over all who are in Thy heavens and on Thine earth, notwithstanding that the people have arisen to harm Thee and to extinguish Thy light, and wherein the Luminary of Thy oneness hath shone forth from the dayspring of Thy House upon all things visible and invisible.
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
O Lord! Plant this tender seedling in the garden of Thy manifold bounties, water it from the fountains of Thy loving-kindness and grant that it may grow into a goodly plant through the outpourings of Thy favor and grace. Thou art the mighty and the powerful.
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Illumine my brow in the court of Thy holiness...give me to drink from the chalice of selflessness.
How superior must be the destiny of the true believer? ...His spirit will everlastingly circle around the will of God.
Come to Me with all your weaknesses...nothing is impossible with Me.
Every time I attempt to make mention of Thee, I am hindered by the sublimity of Thy station.
Purge me with the waters of Thy bounty from every affliction and disorder.
Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
I have risen this morning by Thy grace, O my God, and left my home trusting wholly in Thee, and committing myself to Thy care.
Supply him with the good things that Thou possess. Keep him safe by the power of Thy immeasurable majesty.
I have awakened in Thy shelter, O my God.
O God, refresh and Gladden my spirit.
Thou art my hope and beloved.
Create in me a pure heart, O my God.
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
I open my heart to You, Dear God, and let your peace fill my being. In Your presence, I am peaceful, poised, confident and strong. I relax in Your loving care, Dear God, and release all my cares to You, knowing that You are upholding me and sustaining me in all that I do.
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Lowly and tearful, I raise my suppliant hands to Thee.
Look into all things with a searching eye.
I have awakened in Thy shelter, O my God.
Ye are the stars of the heaven of understanding.
Extinguish not the burning flame that hath been enkindled by Thine unquenchable fire.
Know ye not why We created thee from all the same dust?
All have gathered together at Thy table of bounty.
Assist Thy people to turn their faces in the direction of Thy manifold bounties.
Summon all men to the court of Thy mercy.
Prayer is Conversation with God
Muhammad said that prayer is "a ladder by which everyone may ascend to heaven."
God said, through Baha'u'llah, "I was a hidden treasure; I loved to be known. Hence I created the world so that I would be known."
The knowledge of God is the cause of spiritual progress and attraction, and through it the perception of truth, the exaltation of humanity, divine civilization, rightness of morals and illumination are obtained.